We recently printed custom shirts featuring the slogan: Adopt, Don’t Shop! These shirts are being sold by local convenience stores, Weiler’s to raise funds for Marshfield Area Pet Shelter and the Midwest Horse Welfare Foundation.
“Weiler’s donated the cost of the shirts, so every dollar goes to help local animals,” said Lindsey Rasmussen, co-owner. “This was a really fun project to do and we are proud to be a part of it!”
“Adopt, Don’t Shop” is a popular slogan in the animal rescue world, encouraging people to choose adoption for their next pet.
“So many animals need a home, and adoption gives them a second chance,” said Rasmussen. “Our graphic designer, Kristen Aumann, put this design together to celebrate the Adopt Don’t Shop message.”
Order yours here: http://premierprintinginc.com/product-category/animal-shelter-support/